The following articles are contained below;- Philosophical Considerations in Science Dilemma's In Physics and Religion Idealism and Realism in Physics "It was, of course, a lie what you read about my religious convictions, a lie which is being systematically repeated. I do not believe in a personal God and I have never denied this but have expressed it clearly. If something is in me which can be called religious then it is the unbounded admiration for the structure of the world so far as our science can reveal it." "A knowledge of the existence of something we cannot
penetrate, our perceptions of the profoundest reason and the most radiant
beauty, which only in their most primitive forms are accessible to our
minds - it is this knowledge and this emotion that constitute true religiosity;
in this sense, and this alone, I am a deeply religious man." "I believe in Spinoza's God who reveals himself in the orderly harmony of what exists, not in a God who concerns himself with the fates and actions of human beings." : "My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." A. Einstrein..
At the beginning of the last century, there were just two seemingly
small clouds, which obscured our otherwise impressive view of the physical
world. Most of physics was believed to have been well understood, there
just the small problem of the inability to detect the luminiferous ether
and the statistical anomaly in black body radiation. These small
clouds on the horizon did however grow to gigantic proportion, casting
a gloomy shadow over the physics community which resulted in two great
revolutions viz. Relativity and Quantum
The inability to detect the ether was an indication that our understanding
of space and time was flawed and eventually culminated in Einstein's general
theory of relativity, which not only discarded the notion of an absolute
space and universal time but also demonstrated that gravity was a manifestation
of a curvature in the space-time continuum. Matter tells space and time
how to warp and these in turn determine how test particles move (along
geodesics of maximised space-time intervals, or proper time). Henceforth
the laws of physics were no longer valid under Galilean transformations
but instead had to be Lorentz covariant and Maxwells equations of
electromagnetism, were unintentionally the first to be written in this
The ultraviolet catastrophe that had occurred in the theoretical
study of black body radiation was yet another example of where a
conflict was brought to light. Using the two pillars of classical
physics (Maxwells electromagnetism and Newtonian mechanics), it
was possible to predict the distribution of frequencies emitted by a perfect
black body radiator. However the embarrassingly infinite amount of radiation
that is predicted at the shorter end of the spectrum, could only be avoided
if we introduce a quantised (instead of continuous), emission by the atoms
that were in thermal equilibrium with their radiation. The energy is therefore
released in discrete amounts that were proportional (via Plancks
constant) to the frequency. Planck himself was troubled by the implications
of his own radical alteration but far worse was yet to come. Einsteins
paper on the photoelectric effect showed that it was not that thermal
oscillations emitted discrete amounts of electromagnetic waves but that
light (and other radiation) has an inherently particulate nature. This
view was emphatically reinforced by Comptons electron scattering
experiment, which demonstrated that X-ray quanta possessed the same kind
of momentum that is associated with particles in collisions.
A further challenge to classical physics came from the fact that
Rutherfords alpha scattering experiment showed that atoms consist
of a positive nucleus orbited by electrons. This in turn conflicted with
electromagnetic theories since such accelerating charges should continuously
emit radiation and spiral into the nucleus. At the same time De Broglie
had suggested, that entities such as electrons, could be regarded as possessing
wavelike characteristics. Indeed J.J. Thomson was awarded the Nobel Prize
for demonstrating that electrons are particles while his son later received
the same honour for showing that they were waves!
At the dawn of a new century (indeed a new Millennium) the main
cloud that we face in physics, is the inability to reconcile General Relativity
(and hence gravity) with Quantum Theory. It may not be fully appreciated
for quite some time, as to how big a revolution in our understanding this
will require, although there are indications that it will be considerable.
On a wider front, the other great challenges will include an understanding
of the human mind (particularly consciousness) and what constitutes life,
as opposed to other complex chemical systems.
The last century did leave us with the legacy of the nuclear age,
one that initially promised a Utopia but did so much to disappoint. The
new century could unleash a far greater jeopardy, since the bio-technological
time bomb that we are in danger of releasing, may be far more perilous
than the nuclear bomb that we have learnt to live with so far. There is
consequently an even greater need for the general public to become more
educated in science, but without becoming professionally indoctrinated
Considerations in Science
According to Raven, the dilemma in which honest students found
themselves, arose out of the need to maintain their religious experience
or moral responsibility whilst retaining their scientific integrity.
In his analysis an agnostic humanism or an authoritarian supernaturalism
seemed an obvious answer to their dilemma. ie. either a release from ecclesiastical
dogma, faith in progress and a belief in man being the measure of all
things or the unconditioned acceptance of theology in dictating a moral
code and the spiritual reality beyond science.
James Maxwell provides a good example of how such an honest
student came to terms with the task of advancing the frontiers of
scientific while maintaining the spiritual truths of his religion. Maxwell
was imbued with a deep mystic piety, characteristic of his native Gallaway
and adopted a theological basis to nature that involved a deep romantic
appreciation. This is particularly exemplified in his formation of his
statistical laws of thermodynamics, in which he realised that the only
satisfactory way of explaining the observed facts was to implement an
epistemology of acausal chance but at the same time he retained a belief
in ontological determinism.
Such a nuance resulted directly from his personal need to reconcile
science with religion. At that time there was abhorrence towards deterministic
materialism and its proclivity for atheism, but there was also a reaction
against Darwins theory, which deemed that chance rather than design
was the cause of evolution. To have accepted the materialistic ontology
of Lucretius, with its violation of atoms and deification of chance would
have sacrilege the omnipotence of God. Whilst replacing the ontological
randomness of Lucretius with the apparent randomness of Laplace, he regarded
the macroscopic world as one of chance and change in which
his epistemology is akin to the certainties of the census taker rather
than to Laplacian probabilities which was steeped in determinism. Such
a stance was not only pleasingly detrimental to the epistemology of determinism
but also succeeded in maintaining an ontology that was amicable to a teleological
view of God
In order to emphasis the
distinction between the apparent randomness due to our inability to know
and ontological certainty, Maxwell invented a being (unfortunately dubbed
Demon by Kelvin), who could violate the Second law of thermodynamics
due to his omnipotence, thus showing the law to be of statistical rather
than of absolute nature. We now know that the entropy associated with
information makes any such proposal a theoretical impossibility but this
does not diminish Maxwells GEDANKEN, since to him the Demon was
analogous to God and hence not subject to materialistic constraints
being a creature of divinity, he was not limited to energy requirements.
Likewise, being faced with the concept of a universe which was dissipating
under the Second Law, he again related to a divine being to whom the universe
is always ordered and controllable and from which he can always extract
The debate over free will versus determinism had been a source
of contention between the Calvinists (whose hellfire attitude denied the
former) and the Armenians whose moral teachings were based upon volition
the child being the father of the man, rather than the wretched
being eternally damned. Maxwell, having allegiance towards the latter,
was consequently averse to the use of determinism as applied to man. Being
aware of the transitory nature of scientific theories, he did not want
to attach them to religious ideas (whose knowledge to him was absolute)
since it may help to keep the hypothesis above ground long after
it ought to be buried and forgotten.
Whilst desiring consonance between science and his personal belief,
he was not prepared to make religious appeasements which he knew
would become an embarrassment when that particular theory became obsolete.
He realised the approximate nature of different scientific theories and
was likewise tolerant to the various religious denominations, felling
equally at home in Baptist, Presbyterian or Anglican churches. In this
way he avoided having to interpret religious scriptures in terms of the
prevailing scientific view. He believed that behind the empirical realities
of nature and the various sectarian postures of religion, lies a deeper
level of reality and did not wish any of his conceptions to be carried
beyond the truth by a favourite hypothesis.
His most monumental work, that of the unification of electrostatatics,
magnetism and light had also been driven by his conviction for a creative
element of the universe a conviction which inspired, guided and
justified his scientific endeavors. He attached great significance to
both inner experience as well as insights from the external world
what he described as the Two Gateways to knowledge. His radical
evangelical beliefs had both directed him in life and supported him in
death Being born a Jew it was taken for granted that Emile Durkheim would become a Rabbi like his father. However during his student day he became more secular but with a strong bent towards moral reform and he tended to take a silent agnostic view upon whether religious beliefs did have a divine basis outside its social function. His personal ideology was somewhat stoical, believing that "efforts and even sorrow are more constructive to the spiritual progress of the individual rather than pleasure or joy." Durkheim's approach relied heavily on scientism (particularly biologism) by which categories of science are extrapolated into other fields of knowledge, such as ethics and theology. Although believing in the autonomy of social facts, without needing to resort to reductionalist explanations, his functionalism did rely upon biological analogies. Durkheim was a socialist for whom Homo Faber had the power to drastically influence his own environment. Natural selection did not therefore play such a powerful role upon society as it had done with the development of life itself -- modes of expression depending upon cultural rather than genetic inheritance. In his view morality is only justified in its social acceptance by the majority, taboos and rituals included and in some respect his tolerant treatment of all religions is somewhat disconcerting as he states " The most barbarous and most fanatic rites and strangest myths translate some human need of social life...." For Durkheim there is no conflict between religion (ads he views it) and science with which he attempts to explain it -- the very act of which presupposes it. Religion fills the void left by science, with speculation and the resulting conflict between scientific reason and religious faith often results in the outpouring of idiosyncrasies. He states "Science is fragmented and incomplete, it advances but slowly and is never finished but life cannot wait". The theories which are destined to make men live are therefore obliged to pass science and complete it prematurely." He therefore regards both the religion and science as attempting to satisfy the need to connect things with each other in order to obtain a greater understanding and even views scientific logic as being of religious origin, although the former purges superfluous elements and incorporates a spirit off criticism. Scientific thought is therefore regarded as a more refined form of religious thought, from which it has developed both of which are ultimately founded upon faith. Whereas religion claims the right to go beyond science, Durkheim personally eschews such metaphysical beliefs but instead regards religion as playing a crucial and unavoidable social role.
The Danish physicist Neils Bohr, pioneer of modern atomic theory,
was an incarnation of altruism. During the war, he had assisted refugees
escape Nazi tyranny and had even donated his Nobel Prize to the Finnish
war relief, while after he was instrumental in establishing the Atoms
for peace conferences. His mother was of Jewish descent but his
upbringing was that of a traditional Protestant. During his youth he was
an avid reader of his compatriot Soren Kirkegaard, a religious thinker,
regarded as the originator of Existentialism (Leap of Faith=Quantum jumps).
Kierkergaard, had reacted against the wave of intellectualism that had
threatened to engulf Christian belief at that time and in addressing the
paradox of Jesus necessarily being the embodiment of both men and God,
he wrote When subjectively (inwards) is the truth, the objectively
defined becomes a paradox and the fact that the truth is objectively a
paradox shows in turn that subjectivity is the truth
It is quite possible that Bohr reflected upon this view when he
came to grips with the Quantum postulates, in
which the question of whether an electron (or a photon) is a particle
or a wave is meaningless and leads to a paradox when viewed objectively,
being only answerable in terms of the subjection description of a quanta.
[Kierkigaard had similarly shifted the focus of attention away from the
contemplation of who God is to how God relates to us in other words
how we interact with him].
Independently of Heisenburgs Uncertainty principle, Bohr
had formulated his framework of Complementarity(1927), a new
feature of natural philosophy which means a radical revision of our attitude
as regards physical reality. Bohr maintained that any distinction
between observing systems and the observed object are arbitrary made by
the description of that interaction. The anti-realism implication of recent
developments (viz matrix mechanics) had become a continual torment to
Bohr. How can our lord possibly keep this world in order?
Bohr could have kept our classical framework and merely discarded the
relativistic interpretation but in fact he did just the opposite, what
he rejected was not realism but the classical version of it, which he
replaced with his complementarity not a theory or a principle but
an epistemological framework!
Bohr thus obtained spiritual solace from his new found realism,
in which certain dynamic attributes (eg position and momentum) are contextual,
while the static attributes of mass, charge and intrinsic spin are innate.
However the philosophical framework which he tried which he tried to instigate
was intended to extend beyond the domain of quantum theory but unfortunately
it often became incarcerated by if not mistaken for the Critical positivism
of the Copenhagen interpretation, which simply endorsed which simply endorsed
the unavoidable use of conjugate pairs of variables, for which precise
information was simultaneously denied. Bohr believed that his epistemological
lesson of complementarity had potential in solving many age old
dilemmas such as mechanism versus vitalism in biology, free will vs. determinism
in psychology, or nature vs nurture in anthropology; he dreamt of a conceptual
framework which could be the unity of knowledge.
It was during the ensuing debate with Einstein that the full implications
of what Bohr admonished became apparent- a favourite quotation of his
being Schillers Sayings of Confucius Only wholeness leads
to clarity/and truth lies in the abyss. Einsteins argument
involving the EPR experiment appeared to demonstrate that an electron
did indeed posses more information than was extracted by an observation
(thus demonstrating that quantum theory failed the completeness criterion.)
However Bohrs counter was his belief that the whole was greater
than the sum of the parts. Although some earlier influences towards such
beliefs can be traced back to discussions with his father Christian, brother
Harold and the philosopher/friend Neils had been considerably influenced
by eastern religious beliefs. Having spent some time touring the orient
(in particular China) when knighted, he chose the Taoist symbol of Yin
and Yang as his coat of arms1 this pristine symbol of harmony represents
a holism that is very similar to that enshrined in Bhors complementaity
Up until then western philosophy had tended to find reality in
substance, whilst oriental philosophy had found it in relation. Bohr wrote
isolated systems are abstractions, their properties being definable
and observable only through their interaction with other systems.
Just as Yin complements Yang, so does position complement momentum as
does energy with time. Although Bohr was reticent upon ontological maters,
he in effect had made science more spiritual and was quite likely struck
by the similarities between empirical scientific endeavour and primordial
eastern belief, in which space, time and causality are like a glass through
which the absolute is seen; in that absolute there being neither space,
time or causality [Heisenburg had likewise become deeply impressed and
guided by allegorical eastern beliefs, during his stay in India.] This
dynamic interplay of Yin and Yang as exemplified in the Uncertainty principle
or the complementarity of a wave-packet is even more apparent in the latter
more successful theory of Quantum electrodynamics by which even a vacuum
is a fluctuating continuum of ephemeral particles.
Bohr was one of the first to realise that physics and Eastern beliefs
were coterminous in their attempt to understand reality beyond our immediate
senses. He tried to point a way in which the idea of complementarity could
throw light upon many aspects of human life and thought, even venturing
comments upon its relevance to art, music and religion and the age old
problem arising from the fact that man both acts and is the spectator
of his actions in the drama of existence. His life long consolidations
of complementarity (during which he wrote more than 20 varied papers)
had probably therefore been inspired at first by the religious teachings
of Kierkergaard and later by oriental beliefs which emphasis harmony,
wholeness and rhythmical interplay. This would have endorsed a conviction
for the personal subjectivity of God and the moral belief that man cannot
insulate himself from his deeds or his environment, his actions having
repercussions that may ultimately affect his own wellbeing. For Bohr,
this perhaps would have been a fitting atonement for the loss of causality.
During the Weimar republic after the first world war, Spengler's book " Decline Of The West" became very influential amongst intellectuals. The outlook of the Weimar milieu, was ne-oromantic and existentialist; it tended to build a future out of its past, returning to the romanticism of Schiller and Goethe. Spengler Idealism was hostile towards the ideology of the exact sciences and his philosophy influenced many including Weyl, Brouwer, Heisenberg and Schrodinger. As a result, intuition rather than logic became favorable in mathematics, while destiny rather than causality tended to dominate in science. The two main defenders of the traditional view were Hilbert, who defended the primacy of logic in the foundation of mathematics and Einstein who defended the primacy of causality in physics. However, the Spenglerian ideology of revolution triumphed both in physics and mathematics, since Heisenberg discovered the limits of causality in atomic phenomena and Godel the limits of formal deduction and proof in mathematics! However eventually the vision of Spengler became irrelevant, since Chemists who had never heard of him could use QT to calculate covalent binding energies, while the discoveries of Godel did not lead to a victory of intuitionism but rather a recognition that no single scheme of mathematical foundations has a unique claim to legitimacy Dilemmas
in Physics and Religion
Dilemma is an old Greek word, which means that one is faced with
two possible choices, non-of which is acceptable! Consider the riddle
of the prisoner who is sentenced to death. The judge decrees that the
last statement of the condemned man shall decide the method of execution.
If his last statement to the executioner is true he will be beheaded if
it is false he will be hanged the choice is therefore in the hands
of the prisoner. On the morning of his execution he whispers his final
words to the executioner, who being faced with a dilemma, decides to release
him. What were the prisoners words? [The answer is below]
A well known dilemma in Physics is what happens when an irresistible
force meets an immovable mass. The solution is actually quite straightforward
once one realises that the phrases need to be clarified. Referring to
Newtons Second law F=MA, there is no such thing as an immovable
mass (object), since even the smallest of forces can move the largest
of masses, although the acceleration would be minute. Also the concept
of an irresistible force needs to be clarified, since as before,
even the smallest of forces produces movement (acceleration) on the largest
of masses, if there is no opposing force to balance it. Hence if a force
is to be considered irresistible it must be confirmed that it is not possible
anywhere in the Universe to provide another force of equal magnitude to
oppose it.
There is a similar dilemma in religion, which questions the existence
of God, since he is supposed to be both omnipotent and benevolent. However
Evil exist either in spite of his efforts (which precludes him being omnipotent)
or because of him (hence he is not benign.) The inability to resolve the
dilemma in its present context indicates that the very concept of God
needs to be clarified. Therefore, if one asks if God exists, the possible
answers could be Yes(Deism), No(Atheism), its
not possible to decide(Agnosticism) or that the question (as it
stands) has no meaning. There are examples in physics in which questions
have no meaning, such as is an electron a particle or a wave.
St. Augustine once stated that God did not create the universe
at a given moment in time but rather that time was created with the universe.
This showed considerable foresight, in that it is only this century that
physicists have firm evidence of the big bang, in which space and time
were created along with all the matter/energy of the universe. However,
there have been those who posit that only matter and motion exist and
recently, even some physicists have doubts about whether time actually
exists. Immanuel Kant believed that what we can know of the world, is
subject to certain synthetic a priori categories, that are laid down by the mind, which
although we recognize by experience,
do not arise from experience.
Space and time were cited as such examples, which act rather like filtering
lenses by which the brain turns sense data into objects of knowledge.
The physicist P. C. W. Davies remarked that we may not fully understand
time until we understand the human mind and even Einstein
originally believed that space and time are modes by which we think rather
than conditions in which we live! [He once mischievously said that if
you place your hand on a hot metal plate, time moves slowly but when you
are sitting next to a pretty girl, it goes quickly thats
relativity]. His later theory of General Relativity (GR) did however give
a more ontological reality to space-time, which supplanted the primacy
of gravitational mass. Quantum theory (QT) was
however difficult to reconcile with the space-time of special relativity
and this was only achieved by the introduction of spinor mathematics and
necessitated a field theory. The space-time of GR is still incompatible
with QT, since spinor manifolds do not avail themselves to Riemannian
technique and more importantly, the unitary groups that dictate interactions
in QT are not compatible with the unimodular group of relativity (unless
one resorts to supermanifolds).
As physical theories
have progressed our notion of time has been continually revised. The Galilean/
Newtonian view, is that time is absolute and that everyone can agree upon
what events are simultaneous, no matter where they occur. This is what
is now regarded mathematically, as an example of a fibre bundle i.e. a bundle whose base space is time and whose fibres are
that of Euclidean 3-space. Minkowski demonstrated that space and time
are inextricably linked, forming a 4-dimensional manifold as illustrated
by Einsteins 1905 paper on Special Relativity. By 1916, an extension
to a general (non-inertial) co-ordinate system showed that time is slowed
down (and space is warped) by gravitational mass. More recently Penrose
has developed theories using projective twister space (rather than space-time)
which he believes is a fundamentally better manifold for structuring physical
laws. Hawking
on the other hand believes that QT is the way forward, although he does
utilize an imaginary time co-ordinate. There have been several speculations as to the possibility of time travel, most of which rely on the notion of warped space time. Special Relativity is itself completely consistent with time travel into the future (moving clocks run slower**) but traveling into the past could lead to paradoxes. If a man can travel into the past he could change events (e.g. kill his grandfather) which would prevent him from ever being born in the first place. In 1949 Kurt Godel found a solution to Einstein's field equations, in which a static universe would be stable providing it rotated sufficiently fast (the centripetal acceleration is in balance with the gravitational attraction of the whole mass in the universe). He found that such a universe would result in a curving around of space-time in such a way that traveling in closed loops, would not only change your displacement but would also allow you to travel backwards in time. Since a rotating inverse is not the case, the next best option is inside a spherical black hole (which are believed to be quite common), where the space and time coordinates also become interchanged. However there is no way of escaping from a spherical black whole once you have passed the event horizon. There may however be a way to circumvent this problem, if one could create a rotating cylindrical shaped black hole, whose rotation would allow you to escape from being dragged down into the singularity, but such structures may not be stable. Also there are worm holes that allow distant regions of space to be locally connected by a short cut through space and which also suggest the feasibility of backwards time travel, however these structures are also believed to be fundamentally unstable for any would be time traveler. Yet another possibility arises from the study of cosmic strings; when two such entities come together it can be shown from topological considerations that it may be possible to travel backwards in time by moving in a circular path around the 2 strings. However such cosmic strings have not yet been identified in the universe. Also any such time travel machine would only allow you to travel back to the time in which the devise was first built - this is often cited as the reason why we have not been visited by a more advanced civilization from our future. As already mention backward time travel can lead to dilemmas. For example imagine that one day a girl physicist discovers a new solution written by Einstein, which describes the workings of a feasible time machine. Having the technology to produce such a machine, she travels back in time to visit Einstein and shows him the solution which he then records (and is subsequently discovered by the girl). The paradox then arises as to who actually discovered the solution! Finally an interesting scenario has been put forward concerning the rapid expansion in computer technology. Future
civilizations will have sufficient computer power (especially with the
advent of quantum computers) to create perfect virtual reality universes,
which they will be able to run backwards and forwards in time. [It has
been recently demonstrated that even installing simple rules on a computer
program, can cause the evolution of quite organised systems, which are
then able to evolve and survive on their own.] Indeed they would quite
easily be able to run millions of such universe in parallel, each of which
permits time travel for those in control. We then arrive at the disturbing
realization that, statistically speaking, ours is more likely to be one
of these virtual universe set in the past, rather than being the
actual real universe which exists only for this one future
civilization (also we are clearly not sufficiently advanced to be that
universe). The fact that time appears to flow in a forward
direction is also a peculiar property and is enshrined in the 2nd
law of thermodynamics. This statistical based law is not however the only
physical phenomena that indicates an arrow of time. Certain
sub atomic events involving the weak interaction are known to be time
asymmetric (specifically charge parity CP violation) as is the collapse
of the quantum wavefunction itself and indeed decoherence theory. [The collapse of the wavefunction
One of the most popular approaches in fundamental physics, is that
of string theory, in which the Lagrangian, is that associated with the surface being swept out by a string,
rather than that of a point like particle
which, as it moves through time sweeps out a curve. However instead of the 4 dimensions of space-time we have (according
to the most recent version), 11 dimensions, which became compactified
during the spontaneous symmetry breaking that occurred in the early universe.
Hence not only sub atomic particles but time itself (and also space),
is comprised of the dynamics/topology of these strings.
An increasing number of physicists have therefore started to take
the view, that it is our (inadequate) concept of time that may be responsible
for some of the intractable problems that face QT and GR.[Particularly
relating to the asymmetric collapse of the wavefunction but also a QT
of gravity implies quantised space-time!]. Indeed J. Barbour believes
that time does not exist but is merely an illusion. He has a tentative
theory, which involves stationary cosmological wave functions (akin to
that used in the Wheeler-DeWitt equation) acting upon a configuration
space of the whole universe (referred to as Platonia). Of course in this
cosmic wavefunction, we must also include the human mind but I am still
not convinced that this will be sufficient to completely justify Barbours
claim of The End of
Time in physics. As Hume would say, how can something that exists
as a series of states (the Nows), be aware of itself as a series?
The concept of both time and God are very useful/important to civilisation,
however it is possible that something as seemingly self-evident as time,
may not actually exist after all.
Both Wallace and Mivart provide examples
for Young's axiological perspective of Victorian naturalism, in which
science Survival of the fittest was a viable theory in explaining the large
diversity of species and a great deal of evidence of its Mivart however being a deist, concentrated his attack upon the inability of Darwinism to explain all the biological variations that occur in nature. He is thus trying to illustrate that another (divine) force, other than natural selection is necessary to account for such phenomena as adaptive radiation and convergence of species. Citing the absence of certain transitional fossils he criticises the continuous variations of Darwinism and instead advocates a punctuated evolution (salutation) which is not subject to environmental pressures. In his 'Genesis of Species' he states "Another difficulty seems to be the first formation of the limbs of higher are the preservation and development of the first rudiments of the limbs to be accounted for ---such rudiments being, on the hypothesis in question, infinitesimal and functionless?" Mivart specifically mentions discrepancies with regard to the development
of baleen in the mouth of the whale and the Wallace also uses the idea of a sudden insurgence amongst life forms
but confines his dissertation to that of the mental spheres. He mentions
several examples from the anthropology of civilisation in which certain
cultural upheavals took place which were in no way related to the need
for survival of the Lamarckian influence of the environment. He writes
"the barbarous conquerors of the east, Timurlane and Gengkis Khan
did not owe their success to any superiority of intellect" but despite
this there However it is not only in civilised western man that Wallace produces
examples, he also believes that there is evidence of an unseen agent in
pristine tribes. He is quite prepared to accept that man had descended
from primitive animals but that natural selection only caused the impetuous
for physiological change. Wallace refutes the existence of certain mental
qualities (humour,moral conscience, sense of beauty,religious revelation
etc.) in animals or that they can be developed to that extent in humans
by means of natural selection, since no such stimulus exists for their
production. He does not give credence to the belief that cunning and ingenuity,
required for adaptation can inherently give rise to such qualities. Ethics
and altruism in his view are not agents of survival and he does not consider
that co-operation amongst individuals leads to a more viable fitness as
a group. Instead special reverence is given to abstract faculties which
he considers far removed from the genetic imperative associated with the
struggle for existence. These faculties he claims are almost non existent
in savages but appear spontaneously in civilised races. Another mode of
attack that Wallace uses is to illustrate that just because a theory provides
a reason for certain events to have taken place and is accurately descriptive
of the way things are, does not necessarily mean that it is complete in
itself. As an example he aptly states Lyell's original belief that the
Earth had been sculptured solely by the upheavals and depressions of land
and the denudation of wind and rain, until the study of glaciers showed
that other agents were responsible for certain relief They both relate to the three phases or modes of existence viz. inorganic (unconscious), organic (conscious) and spiritual (intellect) or in Mivart case the physical, hyperphysical and supernatural and both relate to the belief that an almighty force is involved in their transformation or interaction. Wallace states "These three distinct stages of progress from the organic world of matter and motion up to man, point clearly to an unseen universe -- to a world of spirit." Mivart also concludes "there is and can be absolutely nothing in the physical sciences that forbids [us] to regard these natural laws as acting with divine concurrence" although he only vaguely speculates as to the underlying ontology behind the "subordinate action of natural selection." To summarise therefore, both advocate evolution and each aspire to a
reconciliation between Darwinism and their own
Idealism and Realism
in Physics *Aside ****************** Since my previous article (Idealism and Realism in Physics), I have
become aware of recent developments concerning our understanding of the
big bang in relation to M theory. The raison de etre of M theory is that
by adding an extra dimension, we find that the 5 contending string theories
(and supersymmetry) become a network of equivalent mathematical models
when viewed from this 11 dimensional manifold. Our universe is then explained
in terms of 2 dimensional membranes (rather than 1dimensional strings)
and other higher dimensional manifolds (unfortunately termed p-branes)
are also possible. New developments in M theory invoke parallel membranes,
which help explain several intriguing phenomena, such as the weakness
of the gravitational interaction [Gravity is viewed as emanating from
this parallel membrane into the 11 dimensional manifold and since we only
experience its effect in our 4 dimensions of space time, its strength
is greatly diluted.] Of particular importance is the recent discovery
that the big bang itself may be explained in terms of the collision of
2 such membranes. This allows us to avoid the embarrassment of the singularity
at the instant of creation and allows us to talk meaningfully about physics
before the big bang.
A, B, OR C ? Interestingly in the limit of "c" approaching infinity, Einstein's equation approaches the Newtonian prediction of an inverse square law and gravitational force is proportional to the product of the masses, while in the limit of Planck's constant approaching zero, Quantum predictions agree with classical theory. [Indeed it is the sameness of "h" which make QT effects unobserved except on atomic scales and the largeness of c which makes relativity effects unimportant in everyday circumstances]
"God created the Integers, all else is the work of man" L. Kronicker GODEL'S INCOMPLETENESS THEOREMS Preamble Leibniz considered if all proposition is decidable within logic (i.e. completeness), while much later Hilbert asked if axiomatic logic can be formalized in a consistent way. Between 1910 and 1913 Russell and Whitehead produced the 3 volume Principia Mathematica, in which they claimed to have reduced all of mathematics to a unified system of axioms from which all theorems of mathematics could be derived, just as Euclid had attempted to do for geometry. Hilbert however was skeptical and challenged mathematicians to prove rigorously that Russell and Whitehead's program had succeeded.. This question was settled in 1931 by the theorems of Kurt Godel, who demonstrated that in a system of sufficient complexity, such as the theory of numbers, there must exist statements that cannot be proved either true or false. [As a corollary there must also be true statements hat cannot be proved].Consider the following statement "This theorem cannot be proved". If this statement is false, then it can be proved so we have a contradiction i.e. an inconsistency. However if the assertion is true we have a statement that cannot be proved, hence incompleteness. Godel's theorem does something similar to this for formalized systems such as arithmetic by using Godel numbers to encode axiomatic statement. He allows statement and numbers to refer to themselves and by a process of diagonalization allows statements that are true of their own Godel number. Hence if we code that an arithmetical statement similar to "This theorem cannot be proved" which refers to its own Godel number we arrive either at a contradiction (if the statement can be proved) or an incompleteness (if it cannot be proved the assertion is true but cannot be proved). Turing also posed a problem on decidability (called the Halting problem) , by considering a universal machine that could run all programs (similar to today's PC's which can run on any valid operating system). Now when you run a program, either it stops and spits out an answer or it goes on for ever. He asked whether it would be possible to decide in advance on whether a given problem could be solved by a particular program (set of algorithms) in a finite amount of time. Turing showed that the Halting problem is undecidable. To do so he played much the same game as Godel, by assuming that the halting problem is decidable, Turing showed (c.f. proof below) that you could construct a program that stops if and only if (IFF) it does not stop (this contradiction therefore shows that the assumption is false). So Turing's halting problem is a similar example of Godel's undecidability. Godel achieved his numbering code as follows; + - * / ( ) = 1 2 3 4 5 6....x y z .......etc corresponds to the following digits 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10............etc So to code a string of symbols such as 4+ 7=11 we form the number 2^12* 3^1* 5^15*7^7*11^9*13^9 where 2,3,5.7 is the sequence of primes and the powers 12, 1, 15 ,7,9,9 are the codes of the symbols 4,+,7,=,1,1 of the string In this way we associate with each string a code which will be a whole number. Thus if the code is 720 we can uniquely factorise this as 720 = 2^4*3^2*5^1 and the symbols whose codes are 4, 2, 1 are / - + hence 720 is the code for the string / - + Is the set of all extraordinary sets, itself ordinary or extraordinary? This is Russell's paradox which can be reframed in terms of a country in which each library has an index of all its books. Some libraries also include the actual index book itself (i.e.the index book is an ordinary set), while in other libraries, the index book does not mention itself (an extraordinary set). Now the national museum contains a master index book, which lists all the index books of those libraries that do not contain themselves (i.e. a list of all the extraordinary sets). The question therefore arises as to whether this master index book should contain its own title. If it does not, then it cannot be said to contain all those index books that do not contain themselves, whereas if it does contain itself it cannot be an index only of books that do not contain themselves? This discovery by Russell devalued 10 years of Frege's work on the reduction of arithmetic to set theory.
Wittgenstein said that a sentence cannot refer to itself; all sentence can do is say what it means .The following are examples of self referential sentences, which therefore lead to paradoxes. Similar 'strange loops' can be found in Godel's incompleteness theorem, Richard's paradox, Cantor's Paradox, Bach's fugues, Escher's drawings and in Turin's universal computer (halting problem) and is present in Russell's criticism of Frege's set theory (the set of all sets that do not contain themselves) This sentence is false {The liar's paradox of ancient Greece) Is this a question? {Yes, if this is an answer?} If a man says that he is a liar should you believe him? The word long is heterological (since the word is actually short in length) whereas the word short is not heterological (since the word short is short). Is the word heterological itself heterological? The sentence below is true. The sentence above is false. "The least integer not describable using less than 19 syllables" has only 18 syllables. (this is Berry's paradox) "I cannot imagine the world existing without me" {A statement which illustrates the impossibility of perceiving personal non existence} Nostalgia ain't what it used to be Why is there only one monopolies commission Richard's paradox assigns supposes a list of all real numbers between 0 and 1. It is then possible by a diagonal slash process to define a number on the list (by taking the nth number on the new list to be one greater than the nth digit of the nth number on the list). This new number however is clearly a finite definition that would satisfy the condition for being a member of the list and yet differ from every member of it. Cantor 's diagonal theorem shows that any set has strictly more subsets than it has members This leads to a paradox in that for an all inclusive infinite set, every subset of such a set would be a member of it but due to his diagonal theorem, every set has strictly more subsets than it has members; there is thus no largest cardinal number. Cantor proved (using a diagonal slash technique) that there are more real numbers between any two integers than there are whole numbers. The infinite number of natural (whole numbers) is called Aleph zero while the infinity of real numbers (including decimals irrational numbers and transcendental numbers) is the cardinal c = 2^Aleph zero. The continuum hypothesis asserts that c = Aleph one (i.e. Aleph one = 2^Aleph zero, however Cohen has proved that this statement is independent of the other axioms of set theory and we can add on the axiom that the continuum hypothesis is true (or false) without making the system inconsistent. Cantor also showed that there are more transcendental numbers than rational numbers since if the number of Transcendental numbers was also Aleph zero then the total number of reals would be Aleph zero +Aleph zero =Aleph zero, which is false since we know that the number of reals is c =2^Aleph zero> Aleph zero. To summarize, what Godel did in producing his First incompleteness theorem was to find a statement G£ in the formal language of £ that expresses the mathematical sentence "G£ is not provable from £". In other words G is to represent the self referential sentence "This sentence is not provable from £". Hence G£ must be true but not provable, since if it were false it leads to a contradiction, so it must be true and therefore to be consistent, it asserts its own unprovability. Godel achieved this in two steps; first he found a way of assigning a code number to each sentence in the language of £ and then by a method of diagonalization he provided a way of making sentences in the language of £ that refer to themselves. If we try to write out G£ in English we get an infinite sentence: "£ cannot prove that £ cannot cannot prove that £ cannot prove that £ cannot prove that ...... . . . .In other words we say that G£ . . . IFF. . . .(£ cannot prove that G£). His second theorem states that if we demand consistency then the theorem that states this cannot be proved. Other central negative results of logic include Tarski's theorem on the undefinability of truth (that arithmetical truth is not arithmetically definable)and Church's theorem on the undecidability of logic (that arithmetic is not decidable). Godel's theorems devalued much of Russell's work, which tried to reduce arithmetic to logic (as initiated in his Principia) and also showed Turin that his initial optimism of designing an algorithmic machine that could decide if conjectures were true or false (e.g. the 4 colour problem, Fermat's last theorem or Goldbach's conjecture) was unattainable. By focusing on provability rather than on truth, Godel's sentence avoids the absurdity of the liar's paradox (" this sentence is false"). If formal arithmetic is consistent, meaning that only true statements can be proven, then Godel's statement must be true. If it were false then it could be proven, contrary to the consistency! Furthermore it cannot be proven, because that would demonstrate just the opposite of what it asserts, its unprovability. Moreover Godel showed that if the consistency of the formal system could be demonstrated inside the system itself, then the informal argument just given could be formalized and the formalized version of the statement " THIS STATEMENT IS UNPROVABLE" would itself be proven, thereby contradicting itself and demonstrating the inconsistency of the system. First Theorem There is no consistent, complete, axiomatizable extension of Q. (Q being the Peano 'arithmetical' axiom system) In other word Godel became famous for proving that you couldn't prove everything that is true, even in such an apparently simple subject as arithmetic. In effect, he showed that, it is not possible to prove that all true statements in arithmetic can be proved (even its own consistency). Let £ be an axiomatic set theory that is a normalization of an ordinary arithmetic A. Inside S we have symbols from which we construct strings and the axioms of S tell us how we are to manipulate strings. Hence 2+2=4 is both a formula in A and a string in S. In particular strings that involve a numerical variables 'n' are termed signs. Now every sign can be labeled by a Godel number that are arranged in order, and let R(n) is the nth sign. Hence every sign is equal to some R(n) for a suitable choice of n. Let [R(n),n] represent the string which substitutes a variable n into the sign labeled R(n). Now if it is NOT possible to prove the string [R(n),n] in £, for a particular value of n, then we include it in a Cantor set K. For example the string n + 6 =0 is not provable for n=2 so n is an element of K. The statement, S that a particular value of n is a member of K, can itself be given a Godel number . Now, by a process known as diagonalization**, it is possible for a Godel number to represent a statement that is true of its own Godel number!!! [Diagonalization of a A will be a sentence that says that A is true of its own Godel number- or more precisely, the diagonalization will be true IFF (if and only if) A is true (in £) of its own Godel number. So [R(n),n] can be a statement labeled R(n) which is about S as implied by the ~ provability of [R(n),n] where ~ means negative (of provability). Hence this statement R(n) can be about the Godel number R(n) itself! With this particular situation, if we consider the string [R(n), n] it can be shown that it is not provable in £ but also it will be shown that NOT [R(n),n] is also not provable, in other words it is undecideable. To summarise, R(n) can be a statement which states the fact that the non provability of a string means that the particular number it refers to then becomes a member of a set. The paradox then arises when we let that be true for the Godel number R(n) itself (i.e. the Godel code for the sign itself becomes the number for which the statement is true). **(This is reminiscent of that introduced by Cantor in his theory of transfinite numbers, in which a new number is obtained from a diagonalization technique and this can then be introduced into the set, ad infinitum) Godel number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axiomatic Set theory G(n) . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . Statement about a number (which might be true(provable) or false depending on the number) Note that [G(n),n] represents the string associated with a Godel number G(n). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (Sign S).. = ..n is an element of set K and if ~Prov[G(n),n] (i.e.if G(n) cannot be proved for n) Diagonalization is a process which says of a sign S that "S is true of its own godel number", or more precisely, the diagonalization will be true IFF (if and only if) S is true of its own Godel number. Hence we could code any statement and give it a corresponding Godel number and then decide if the statement would still be true if the variable were replaced by its own Godel number; if so then we have successfully diagonalized the statement and we can express this fact by labeling it with the originall Godel number. Let (by the process of diagonalization), the Godel number R(n) now represents a statement that is true of its own Godel number i.e. we represent Sign S by the Godel number R(n) and obtain; R(n).. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .S . = .Statement that n is an element of set K as implied by ~Prov [R(n),n] [ It therefore seems legitimate to ask whether the (new) statement, which is represented by [R(n),n], is true, in other words can we prove [R(n),n]. We then can provide the following proof of incompleteness; Proof. Consider the following signs; :[R(n),n] ................{1} not-[R(n),n]...........{2} If {1} can be proved then it means that n is a member of K, which because of diagonalization, implies (by definition of K), that {1} is not provable for some n -- hence {1} asserts its own unprovability. However neither is statement {1} disprovable, since if the negative of {1} (which is written in statement {2}), is provable, this implies the negative of 'being a member of K' in other words n is not a member of K. Because of diagonalization, this in turn means that [R(n),n] is provable for some of n, which contradicts (2) and since £ is assumed consistent it follows that {2} is not provable in £. Hence the assumption that the negative of {1} is provable is false and therefore {1} is neither provable or disprovable. i.e. it is undecidable! The statement [R(n),n] can therefore be regarded as asserting its own unprovability. Hence in mathematics we have to abandon the dream of being able to create a machine that will operate a computer program capable of churning out theorems which have been proved to be true. Instead we have to rely on the ingenuity and creativity of mathematicians to decide upon the validity of Fermat's last theorem or the four colour problem. [Note that {1} cannot be false since as we have just shown, that would means that R(n) can be proved and hence{1} is true, which is a contradiction, so we are left with the alternative that {1} is true which means that R(n) cannot be false since that would be a contradiction, in other words R(n) must be true. Also note that{1} is true if it cannot be proved, hence we arrive at the only alternative, that R(n) can be true if it is not provable. To recapitulate, by coding axiomatic statements in terms of Godel numbers, we allow the possibility of numbers expressing statements about themselves. For example if a statement is made about a number, this statement is itself designated as a Godel number and the possibility then arises that this statement represented by the number, refers to the number itself. We can test the provability of the Godel number that represents a given statement about a specific value of a variable (e.g. 2 + x =7; if x=9 ) and in particular (by means of diagonalization), a Godel number can refer to a string which is true of its own Godel number. A Godel number can then be given to a statement that relates to a negative outcome of another statement (i.e. unprovability, as in relation to set K), which is coded by the same Godel number, and we can then demonstrate the unprovability of the overall statement. In summary we have constructed a string viz. [R(n),n] that expresses its own unprovability! Hence in any formal system we will have theorems, which although true, are not provable within the systems and even if we amend the axioms and enlarge the system so as to be able to encapsulate these known theorems, this very act will produce more unprovable theorems! Some people have speculated beyond this precise formalism to less rigorous systems, such as the human Genome. For example there certain degenerate diseases that a given human phenotype is prone to, but some would suggest that even if we identify the aberrant genes and make alterations to the Genome that guarantees immunity to particular ailments, this very act will itself ensure that other (new) self destructive biological effects would become extant. To continue this analogy, we can regard systems as record players which work well for most records but the very design of the player means that there is always a record that when played, will cause the player to self-destruct. However any modification to the player's system that prevents this happening with such a record, will automatically produce changes that will ensure that it is capable of being destroyed by another, as yet unknown record (and so on ad infinitum). For example in the above, S is the statement that n is an element of a set K when ~Prov[R(n),n]. Now if we let S be given the Godel number R(n) we can show that the statement [R(n),n] cannot be proved since this would imply that there is a number that is a member of the set K which in turn implies a Godel number, that itself asserts that the statement [R(n),n] cannot be proved, so we arrive at a statement that asserts its own unprovability!. What's more we cannot disprove the statement, since by asserting the negative statement, it implies that n is not a member of K and this in turn means that R(n) is provable for some of n, which contradicts the negative of the statement viz ~[R(n),n]. Hence the assumption that ~[R(n),n] is provable is false and therefore [R(n),n] is neither provable or disprovable. i.e. it is undecidable!
More formally Godel's First theorem can be expressed as follows; Definitions: 1. Diagonalization If A is a formula in the language of arithmetic that contains just the variable x free then the diagonalization of A will be a sentence that says that 'A is true of its own Godel number', or more precisely, the diagonalization will be true IFF (if and only if) A is true of its own Godel number. 2. Provability Prov£[m,n] is true if and only if (IFF) m codes up a proof from £ of the sentence coded up by n.(i.e. m proves n) 3. CON(£) . . . . means that £ is consistent The First incompleteness theorem is proved by finding a sentence G£ in £ that expresses the mathematical sentence "G£ is not provable from £". . G£ must therefore be true but not provable. [The reason is that if this statement can be proved true, we have a contradiction i.e an inconsistency. However if it cannot be proved, the assertion is true but cannot be proved, hence incompleteness]. ** . G £ ... . . . ... . ..if and only if... . . .. ..... .~E(m)[Prov£[m,<G£>] . . . . . . . . . . . . . .{1} Note that if {1} is false then we obtain the statement E(m)[Prov£[m,<G£>] is true. We will now demonstrate that when the above statement is true there is no proof that codes for the statement i.e. G£ asserts its own unprovability.. G£ states that no natural numbers m of a certain kind exist (namely those that code a proof for <G£>), so it seems legitimate to ask whether G£ is a true or false statement about the natural numbers. Note that G$ is true if it is not provable from £, so it seems that either G£ is true and not provable by £. or that G£. is false and provable by £. Now if we assume that £ is consistent, then we can rule out the second option and conclude that G£ is true but not provable in £, which is Godel's First Incompleteness Theorem. [If there were a proof of G£, then the meaning of the statement that G£ actually asserts, namely that there is no proof, would be false, so G£ would have to be false as an arithmetical proposition which implies that our formal system is so inconsistent as to allow false propositions to be proved. Thus it must be true that there is no proof of G£, which is exactly what G£ is stating, hence we have a true statement which has no proof within the system. Also since we have just established that G£ is true, then ~G£ must be false and therefore we cannot prove ~G£ to be true, otherwise we will again have a system that proves false propositions] We have therefore created a particular self referential statement that, in order to be consistent, cannot be proved and hence the statement that ' it cannot be proved ' is true but in turn cannot be proved. So in order to have consistency G£ has to be true, but G£ states that the statement about itself cannot be proved, which is true and so we have a statement that says of itself that it is not provable even though it is true. In other words if G£ is true, it implies that G£ is not provable for some m, hence it asserts its own unprovability. Therefore we cannot prove something that is known to be true (namely the statement that proclaims that this diagonalization is not provable). [If G£ can be proved false, then not G£ is provable, which means that G£ is provable for some m, which is a contradiction and we therefore lose consistency.] Hence there are certain statements in arithmetic that cannot be proved nor disproved i.e. they are undecidable! So if we insist on consistency then we must have incompleteness but if we try to demand completeness we cannot have consistency. As we shall see below, an example of G£ is the statement that £ is consistent i.e. CON(£) as this leads to the conclusion that £ is consistent only if it is not provable, which is Godel's Second Incompleteness theorem Note that {1}cannot be false since as we have just shown, that would mean that G£ can be proved for some m and hence {1} is true, which is a contradiction, hence we are left with the alternative that {1} namely ~E(m)[Prov£[m,<G£>] is true, which means that G£ cannot be false since that would be a contradiction, in other words G£ must be true.. Also note that{1} is true if it cannot be proved, hence we arrive at the only alternative, that G£ can be true if it is not provable Statement {1} is an assertion that diagonalisation (which is assumed true by its definition), when applied to a particular (true) statement regarding its own provability, is not provable, in other words we have a truth that cannot be proved. It is therefore true that we cannot prove that this diagonalization is provable, in other words we have a truth that cannot be proved. [If we state that this particular diagonalization is possible to prove i.e. the negation of {1}then we arrive at a contradiction.] Hence the statement that says that "its own diagonalization cannot be proved" is true but undecidable i.e. it cannot be proved nor disprove. If we try to write out G£ in English we get an infinite sentence: "£ cannot prove that £ cannot cannot prove that £ cannot prove that £ cannot prove that ...... . . . .In other words we say that G£ . . . IFF. . . .(£ cannot prove that G£). . Second Theorem If Z is consistent then the statement that says this is not a theorem of Z ( In other words Z cannot prove its own consistency, or £ is consistent if and only if £ cannot prove CONsistency(£). Z being the axiomatic system of arithmetic) Let T be the string [R(n),n] which as we have just shown asserts its own unprovability, and let Z be any formula in £ which asserts the consistency of £. We therefore want to prove that Z cannot be proved in £. Godel's first theorem reads 'if £ is consistent then, then T is not provable in £'. We can therefore express this in £ as: '£ is consistent' in our formula Z 'T is not provable in £' is just T itself, because T asserts its own unprovability, so Godel's first theorem written in £ takes the form of Z implies T .........i.e '£ is consistent implies T is not provable in £' If we could prove Z in £ then this would enable us to prove T. However we know that T cannot be proved, hence Z cannot. Since Z asserts the consistency of £, it is not possible to prove Z consistent within £, which is his second theorem. [The consistency of £ could be an example of Godel's First theorem, since even if £ is consistent it is not provable i.e. R(n) (or its equivalent G£) above, becomes CON(£) which asserts its own unprovability]. Alternatively stated, we know that if £ is consistent then T is true. In this way we can show that there is a proof from £ of CON (£) implies T. Now if £ could prove CON (£) as well, then we could apply Modus Ponens and obtain a proof from £ of T, which is impossible (since T asserts its own unprovability). Therefore £ cannot prove CON(£). The main point is that such axiomatic systems cannot prove their own consistency without having to 'step out of the system' and if we do this, how do we know that this system in turn is consistent, unless we again move to a higher system in order to check its consistency and so on ad infinitum. Likewise in Godel's First theorem, if we produce a sufficiently rich system of axioms, there will always be true statements within that system that cannot be proved and whatsmore, if we identify these statements and add suitable axioms that will ensure that these can now be proved, then we will inadvertantly introduce new true theorems, that in turn are undecidableand and so on . . ..Some people use this to 'prove' that we will never completely understand the universe because we are part of it (some cite Heisenberg, uncertainty as an example of this) or that we cannot completely understand the mind (and therefore our thinking/theories will be limited) because we cannot step outside of it. However Godel's theorems do not necessary relate to such ideas and indeed it can be shown that some smaller formal systems such as the axioms of geometry are consistent [These axioms are not sufficient to produce a complete system of arithmetic for example, however the integers without the operation of multiplication can be consistently formalized but the system is then restricted i.e.incomplete]. Godels theorem may have some bearing on Law however, in that it demonstrates that it is not possible to have a legal system that is guaranteed to dispense the law in a way that is instinctively just at all times (in other words we need a judge to intuitively interpret given situations). Hence given a particular system of law (which itself varies considerably throughout the world), it is always possible to find a scenario that will lead to a verdict that would intuitively appear to be unjust. [We often attempt to override these occurrences by appealing to another, usually higher court, but as already emphasized, the consistency of even this may be questionable] In the same way that quantum mechanics provided limitations on what we could demand regarding determinism, Godel's theorem demonstrates the limits of formalism. Indeed Einstein's theory of general relativity contains its own incompleteness in that it predicts the inevitability of a singularity (where its own laws of physics break down) at the centre of a black hole for a collapsing star beyond a certain mass. It is difficult to actually find interesting, examples of undecidable statements but a good candidate is known as "P = NP", which asks whether every class NP question is actually class P. in other words, if an answer to a question can be checked in polynomial time, can it always be found in polynomial time. At first sight the answer to P = NP seems to be no, since finding an answer to something ought to be harder than checking it once someone has found it. Yet nobody has been able to prove or disprove it, and it may in fact be undecidable
Transfinite Numbers Suppose we make a list of all real numbers between 0 and 1. It is then possible by a diagonal slash process to define a number that is not on the list (by taking the nth number on the new list to be one greater than the nth digit of the nth number on the list cf. example below*). This new number however is clearly a finite definition that would satisfy the condition for being a member of the list and yet differ from every member of it. Using this diagonal slash technique Cantor proved that there are more real numbers (R) between any two integers (Z) than there are whole numbers. The infinite number of natural (whole numbers) he called Aleph zero, while the infinity of real numbers (including decimals irrational numbers and transcendental numbers) is the cardinal c = 2^Aleph zero (which from Cantors diagonal theorem below, is greater than Aleph zero itself).* The continuum hypothesis asserts that c = Aleph one (i.e. Aleph one = 2^Aleph zero), however Cohen has proved that this statement is independent of the other axioms of set theory and we can add on the axiom that the continuum hypothesis is true (or false) without making the system inconsistent. More generally, Cantor suggested the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis in which for all values of x, 2^Aleph x = Aleph x+1. Aleph 0 is therefore the lowest infinity (transfinite number) and is associated with the natural numbers N The number of even numbers is also Aleph 0 as is the number of odd numbers, since both these sets can be put into one-to-one correspondence with each other, so; Aleph 0 + Aleph 0 = Aleph 0 Also, Aleph 0*Aleph 0 = Aleph 0 . . . . (since the cartesian cross product of the two can be placed in a grid, each unit of which contains a pair of numbers that can be put into one-to-one correspondence with the same size grid labeled with the natural numbers. By moving around the grid in a cyclic manner, if we keep filling in the pairs of numbers in the first grid and a corresponding natural whole number in the second grid, we will just fill in the upper right hand quarter of each infinite grid ). Now the cardinality of the real line is c = 2^Aleph 0. We can therefore assert that the cardinality of the number of points on a plane is c*c = 2^Aleph 0*2^Aleph 0 = 2^Aleph 0 +Aleph 0 = 2^Aleph 0 = c , and likewise the cardinality of the number of points in a 3 dimensional space is also just c =2^Aleph 0 Cantor 's diagonal theorem shows that any set has strictly more subsets than it has members. The number of subsets (including the null set and the whole set is equal to 2 ^k where k is the number of members. [This can be obtained by considering that each subset is one of a combinatorial series kC0, kC1, kC2 .....kCk and that these form a typical Pascal triangle in the binomial series, whose sum of the coefficients in each line are 2^k. viz. 4, then 8 then 16 etc,for the binomial expansions of squared cubed and quartic etc. More generally if we have C choices of colour and k elements, we obviously have C^k combinations of colouring each element and if we limit this to just black and white, - where black represents an omission - we obtain a total of 2^k possible 'subset' combinations]. Cantor then showed using a diagonal method shown below**, that k is always less than 2^k even for infinite sets. This leads to a paradox in that for an all inclusive infinite set, every subset of such a set would be a member of it, but due to his diagonal theorem, every set has strictly more subsets than it has members; there is thus no largest cardinal number. *The proof that the cardinality of the real line is 2^aleph zero, is obtained by considering subdividing the unit length real line into 2 an infinite number of times, so as to obtain a small enough interval of [0,1] namely 1/2^n . We need to carry out this an infinite number of times, in order to home in on an actual real number, hence the cardinality of c is 2^ Aleph zero **The proof that k< 2^k is obtained by arranging k sets of (1,0) and by choosing one member in turn from each of the k sets, so as to produce a series of new sets Sn, each containing k members which are either 1's or 0's. For example consider the following list of Sn sets S0 =<1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0.....> S1 =<1,0,0,1,1,0,1,0,.....> S2= <0,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,.....> etc, etc down to Sk, so that the width of the sequence of horizontal 0's and 1's is equal to k which is also the height of the vertical column i.e. we have 'k rows and k columns'. So the numbers of s rows equals k, while the number of combinations of 0's and 1's (which also has k members) must be 2^k ( since we have a choice of two digits from each k set). Now by employing the diagonal slash technique we alter each of the diagonal numbers highlighted in red (1 becomes 0 and 0 becomes 1). This ensures that we obtain a new sequence since the first member will be different from that of S1, the second member will be different from that of S2 and so on. Hence we have demonstrated that there are members of the set described by 2^k that are not counted within the list k i.e. k < 2^k even for infinite setsCantor also showed that there are more transcendental numbers than rational (and algebraic) numbers. The proof resides in the construction of a function h(f) which is defined as the height of a polynomial f(t), being equal to the sum of the moduli of all the (integer) coefficients of f(t) so for f(t) =a0+ . + . + ant^n . . . . . . .This defines t as an algebraic number h(f) =n+/a0\+/a1\+/a2\+/a3| . .etc. Now there are h integers that are <=h, hence the number of polynomials is <<h^h , Consequently, there is a finite number of polynomials over the integers of given height h. In other words each integer h is associated with a finite number of polynomials and hence algebraic numbers - that is they are Z countable. Since we have proved above that R is uncountable and we now find that the algebraic numbers are countable then we have demonstrated that transcendental numbers exist! Now if the number of Transcendental numbers was also Aleph zero then the total number of reals would be algebraic (countable ) numbers + transcendental numbers = Aleph zero +Aleph zero =Aleph zero, which is false since we know that the number of reals is c =2^Aleph zero> Aleph zero. In other words the number of transcendental numbers must exceed the number of algebraic (e.g rational) numbers. [The three great mathematical problems of antiquity viz. the trisection of an angle, the doubling of a cube (the Delian problem), and the squaring of the circle, are all impossible to achieve by compass and ruler and the last of these relies upon 'pi' being a transcendental number and so crown 3000 years of mathematical effort!] It is easily proved that the square root of a prime number is irrational (indeed one of the Pythagorians showed this for SqRt 2). More generally for a prime number p we can prove by contradiction that SqRt p is irrational: assume that SqRt p = a/b . . . . for some integers a and b. For simplicity I will show this specifically for the prime 5 although this is valid for any prime just by substituting the 5 for the variable p hence 5b^2 = a^2 . . .which implies 5 is a factor of a^2 (hence so is 25) CASE 1 if a^2 is even, a is even which implies b is odd a^2 = 5b^2 implies both are even which implies b^2 is even which implies b is even which is a contradiction! . . .(a/b = even/even) CASE 2 if a^2 is odd (it ends in a 5) this implies a^2 = c x 5 x 5 . . .where c is an odd square so a^2 = =5b^2 = cx5x5 = 25c so b^2 = 5c . . implies5 is a factor of b^2 (hence so is 25) so b^2 = d x 5 x 5 and a^2/b^2 = [c x 5 x5] /[d x 5 x 5] hence a^2/b^2 = [SqRt c x 5]/ [SqRt d x5] . . . which is a contradiction! . . . (where SqRt 5 = SqRt [c/d] * * * * NEXT what about the n^Rt [2], is it possible for this to be rational. Assume that n^Rt 2 = a/b then 2 = a^n/b^n that is 2b^n = a^n or b^n +b^n =a^n But this would contradict Fermat's Last Theorem (see below), which has recently been proved valid for n>2 Hence n^Rt2 is irrational. This approach also shows that even for n=2 there are no Diophantine solutions such that a^2 +a^2 = b^2, for 2 integers a and b Fermat's Last Theorem The final piece in this proof was provided by Andrew Wiles and can be summarized by the following developments. Assuming that there was a Diophantine equation which did violate Fermat's theorem, it was possible to recast such an equation, in a form known as an elliptical equation (y^2 =x^3 +ax^2 +bx^ + c). It was then eventually shown that such an equation could not be a modular form. Now the T-S conjecture claims that all elliptical equations are modular form. Hence if the T-S conjecture could be proved, then it must be true that such an imagined equation cannot exist i.e. such an equation which violates Fermat's theorem cannot exist. This T-S conjecture (or at least a portion of it that was crucial to Fermat's theorem) was provided by Wiles. Bennett's Theorem For natural numbers n and integers b,a , the n th Root of [(b/a)^n + 1] is irrational The main thrust is in demonstrating that if the n thRoot of any integer Q is rational, then n th Roots of (Q+_1) must be irrational [In other words for any consecutive integers Q and Q+1, it is not possible for both of these to have n th roots that are both rational.numbers.] IF the n th Root of [(b/a)^n + 1] is rational, then so is n th Root[(b/a)^n + 1] x a hence n th Root [a^n +b^n] = c/q so a^n + b^n = (c/q)^n and q^n x a^n + q^n x b^n = c^n thus d^n + e^n = c^n, (where d=qa and e=bq), which contradicts Fermats theorem which has recently been proved by Andrew Wiles. Hence n th Root [(b/a)^n + 1] must be irrational Now we have an infinite number of rational numbers (a/b) which yield an infinite number of irrational numbers for each power n. If we make 'n' to be one of the infinite number of primes, then we can form an infinite series of irrational numbers each of which is a different prime root of a rational number. [Using prime numbers is not necessary but it does increase the chance of the number being transcendental rather than just irrational]. From this set of cardinality aleph 0, we can obtain by combination under addition, all the (irrational) subsets of the individual irrational numbers. Now the cardinality of such subsets is 2^Aleph 0, which is greater than aleph 0. Hence we have demonstrated that the cardinality of ALL irrational numbers (including those that are transcendental) is greater than that of all the rational numbers (which is only Aleph 0) and is equal to the cardinality of the reals i.e. 2^Aleph 0. Most of these irrational numbers will in fact also be transcendental, which also have a cardinality of Aleph 0, since the number of algebraic numbers rational + irrational) is in fact only Aleph 0. This new set (whose elements are formed as subsets, from a combination of the sum of the original irrational numbers), provide a means of producing 'most' of the transcendental numbers, but it is not apparent how we can distinguish these from the ordinary irrational numbers (such as the original irrational elements). In Summary; Reals = 2^Aleph 0 (uncountable) Integers = Aleph 0 (countable) Irrational algebraic = Aleph 0 (countable) Algebraic (rational + irrational) = Aleph 0 (countable) Transcendental = 2^Aleph 0 (uncountable) Irrational (algebraic + transcendental) = 2^Aleph 0 (uncountable) If we denote the ordinality of the infinity of the Natural numbers as w (corresponding to the cardinal value of aleph zero), then we find that unlike finite numbers we no longer have commutivity of the operations of arithmetic viz. 1+ w = w . . . . . . . . but w + 1 = w + 12*w = 2+2+2+2+.... = w. . . .but w*2 = w + w . .i.e w*2 is two omegas placed next to each other, which gives the ordinal w+w but2*w is omega twos placed next to each other which makes an ordered set with ordinal number w!We can proceed to higher ordinals such as 0,1,2,3,w,w+1,w+2,w*2,w*2+1,w*2+2,w*w,w*w*w(i.e.^3), w^4, w^w What about the first ordinal a such that w*a =a? well if we take w^w it is evident that w*w^w changes nothing, so a=w^w. [In other words w*w^w=w^(w+1) = w^w]. now the firs ordinal such that w^a =a is called epsilon zero e0, which must have the following form w^w^w^w^w^w.. . . . . . . . evidently putting such a symbol in the exponent position over an omega does not change anything, since a stack of omegas 1+w high is the same as a stack w high A better way of describing this is by the operation of tetration (tetra for 4,since it is the next logical progression after add, multiply and exponentiation); for example 4 tetration 2 means 2^(2^(2^2))=2^2^4= 2^16 =64,536 while 3 tetration10 is 10^(10^10) = 10 ^10 billion, which is a one followed by ten billion zeros!. Hence we describe e0 as being equal to w tetration w. But we needn't stop there since we could go to pentration of w, that is; w tetration w tetration w tetration w tetration w tetration w. . .etc. . etc. Now if we define 2 sets as having the same cardinality if there is a one-to-one map between them then we can define Aleph one as being the first ordinal with cardinality greater than w (which has cardinality of Aleph zero ---- it is in one-to-one with the Natural numbers). we can than proceed to Aleph2, Aleph3, Alephw, Aleph(w+)1, Alephw^w, Aleph(Alephw) and eventually we arrive at a number theta % such that % =Aleph% and one way of obtaining this is by having an infinite stack of tetrated Alephs (i.e. a pentration of Aleph) viz. Aleph tetration Aleph tetration Aleph tetration Aleph tetration . . etc From this we can then proceed to Aleph%+1,Aleph%+w, Aleph%+1, Aleph%+Aleph w and so on without end until we arrive at the absolute infinity, Capital OMEGA which is by definition indescribable and inconceivableTuring Halting problemIn 1928, Hilbert repeated 3 of his original challenges of 1900 viz; 1. To prove that all mathematically true statements could be proved i.e. the completeness of mathematics 2. To prove that only true mathematical statements could be proven i.e. the consistency of mathematics. 3. To prove the decidability of mathematics, that is the existence of a decisive procedure to decide the truth of falsehood of a mathematical statement. The first two of these were disproved by Godel, while the third was disproved by Alan Turing (a method which although different, also relied upon Cantor's diagonal slash technique). Alonzo Church also disproved the third challenge using a completely different approach. Godel had shown that there are propositions '&' (say), such that neither & nor -& is provable , (and as a consequence, there is no proof of consistency of a formal system 'K' within that system). Turing on the other hand showed that there is no general method which tells whether a given formula '$' is provable within a formal system 'K', or what amounts to the same, whether the system consisting of K with -$ adjoined as an extra axiom is consistent
Let Tn(m) represent the result of a Universal Turing machine that can imitate the nth Turing machine carrying out a computation on the number m. (e.g. a particular operating system trying to use a computer program to decide if a particular even number fails Goldbach's conjecture and cannot be split into the sum of 2 primes). Some of these Tn(m) will produce a numbered result, while others will run for ever (we will denote the latter by Tn(m) =& ). Now, assume that there is such a universal machine H(n,m) that can determine if an answer can be produced. In other words H 'decides' whether or not the nth Turing machine acting on the number m eventually stops. For example let the machine output 0 if it does not stop and 1 if it does. Next we use H to eliminate all those combinations of n and m that do not halt and replace the output with a 0 and then allow Tn to act on m only if H(n,m) =1. Thus our new procedure is given by Q(n,m) = Tn(m) * H(n,m) and produces a table of infinite dimensions, which must contain every computable sequence; something along the lines of . m--0 . 1 . 2 . 3 . 4. 5 . . . . . . n 0 . . 1. 3 . 0 . 1 . 8 . 0 . .. . 1. . 0. . 2 . 1 . 3 . 2 . 1. . .... 2. . 4 . 0 . .1. .3 . 0. . 1 . . . . 3 . .1. . 0. . 2 . 3. 3 . 2 ...... 4. . 0. . 0. . 1 . 1 . 7. 0. . . . . .etc, etc Finally we apply the slash diagonal technique in which we add 1 to each diagonal element (i.e. the sequence 1,2,1,3,7 in red, becomes,3,2,4, 8) to obtain a number which cannot be in the list, thus demonstrating a contradiction which shows that our original assumption about the existence of H must have been false. In other words assuming H exists, there is some Turing machine number, say k, for the algorithm (diagonal process) 1 +Q(n,m), so we have . 1 + Tn(n) * H(n,n) = Tk(n) but if we substitute n = k we get . 1 + Tk(k) * H(k,k) = Tk(k) which is a contradiction, since if Tk(k) stops we get the impossible relation . 1 + Tk(k) = Tk(k) since H(k,k) = 1 whereas if Tk(k) does not stop (so H(k,k) = 0 ) we have another inconsistent result that 1 + 0 = & (i.e. it stops if and only if, it does not stop!). Hence it is not possible to construct a Universal machine, that could decide in advance whether there is a number which contradicts (say) Goldbach's conjecture (which would in effect prove or disprove such conjectures without actually needing to find such numbers or proofs!). Indeed Godel's result follows directly from Turing's (although historically they were derived the other way round) For Turing showed that there are some true statements that are not recursively enumerable and we can can express a Godel statement in this form. So for any formal system F we can encode a Godel statement G(F), which is not provable by a Universal Turing machine. So even if F is believed to yield only true statements, G(F) must escape the net cast by F despite the fact that we must conclude that G(F) is a true Turing statement. What Godel and Turing's theorems tell us, is not that there are unprovable mathematical propositions but rather that whenever we lay down axiomatical rules of proof beforehand (and if we accept that those rules are trustworthy), then we are provided with a new means of access to certain mathematical truths, that those particular rules are not powerful enough to derive!
......... . . And Yet It Moves" Galileo was reported to have uttered these words shortly after he was forced to recant his support for the Copernican' view, of the sun being at the centre of the solar system. He is regarded as the grandfather of physics and in actual fact the main reason for Galileo facing the Spanish inquisition, was due to his book being interpreted as being rather sarcastic towards the Pope. Indeed it was difficult for laymen of the time to accept the fact that the Earth actually rotates, since this seemed to go against everyday experience of spinning objects. (We had to await Foucault's pendulum for the simplest experimental demonstration of the Earth's rotation). Much of the story that has passed down is apocryphal but Galileo was forced to spend the remainder of his old age under household arrest. Part of his legacy is that of rotational dynamics, and in particular that of non inertial frames of reference, which produce peculiar effects and are relevant to both general relativity and quantum theory! Newton's Laws Of Motion
The principles illustrated below have many applications including gyroscopic compass and gyro-boat stabilizers g
Euler's equations offer a more complete/general description of rotatory motionl