The following photographs are of the world's first successful expedition to the summit of Eastern Sunrise (Zoria Vostoka),which lies in the Pamir range of Central Asia and lies on the border of China, Kyrghyz and Tajikistan.

Eastern Sunrise (highest peak on the left - nearly 21000 feet)


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Route taken to the summit of Eastern Sunrise. (Photo courtesy of EWP Expeditions)


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Mongolian nomad


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Crevasse field on route to 'Avalanche Camp'

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View of summit face from north Col


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View from the summit of Eastern Sunrise


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The author setting a British (European ?) record for abdominal sit ups --- 4001 consecutively without rest!


First ascent of an unnamed summit (subsequently named 'Snow Dragon' )


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View of summit of Snow Dragon (15 600 feet)


Russell glacier, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland


Russell glacier, Kangerlussuaq, Greenland

The author preparing for the first ever World Boardsailing Championships, Nahariya, Israel


Hang Gliding over Rio de Janeiro


Freefall skydiving with Thai special forces


Kite Beach 2003, Cabarete, Dominican Republic


Mountain building is associated with igneous and metamorphic rock formation but sedimentary rock is produced by weathering and erosion caused by wind, rain, glaciers and rivers. The following are photographs taken of the World’s 4 greatest waterfalls.



Angel Falls, Canaima, Venezuela (The World's longest drop waterfall --- 979m)


IGUAZU FALLS, Argintina/Brazil


VICTORIA FALLS, Zimbabwe (then Rhodesia)


KAIETEUR FALLS, Guyana (Photographed during the dry season, the worlds highest single drop waterfall -- nearly 5 times higher than Niagra!)


"Mountain's Lying Down", the Native American Indian name for the The Grand Canyon, Arizona. An extreme example of river erosion of sedimentary rock


Ariane 5 rocket launch Kourou, French Guyana 16 November 2005 @ 8 : 45pm


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Total eclipse of the sun on the Libyan plateau at El-Sallum (Egypt/Libya border) Wed 29th March 2006 @ 12:38 - 12:41pm

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